Monday, February 21, 2011

D-Day in Manila

Received our Drivers Licenses!Elder B. counting his pesos - they'll be needed.
Here we go...
Building #1 - hand over passports, CA licenses and
Collect piece of paper
Climb 3 flights of stairs
Hand over more pesos, get fingerprinted and
provide urine sample.
Collect more paper and deliver to third office
with more pesos
This time read eye chart
Get weighed and measured
And have blood pressure checked.
Jump back in car and travel to Government Building.
Looks like any DMV in the U.S. except
This one has a chapel at the far right end.
See it?
We should have these in California.
OK, if you're to believe the picture, this next part is hard.
Nope, not taking a test.
Filling out papers - name, address, etc.
Get picture taken, sign something
More pesos
Picture taken one more time.
Walk out with license good until 2014.
Proud Elder Bell
Couldn't have done it without our guide, Clem.
Booklet with Rules of the Road?
Written test?
Driving test?
But that's OK because there are only
4 Rules of the Road
in the Philippines
1. Flow
2. Pick
3. Big
4. No-see chicken
These were given to us by Elder Benson Misalucha
Area Seventy
His explanation:
Flow means just go with the flow.
There may be 4 lanes drawn on the road, but if 6 cars fit,
Go with the flow.
Pick is some kind of basketball term that Elder B. understands -
it was explained to me this way: fill in the blanks.
If there's an opening, fill it ... or someone else will.
Big is obvious.
The biggest vehicle wins...always.
And no-see chicken - first guy to blink loses.


  1. We can hardly wait to hear about Donna's first driving adventure. Thanks for the line by line by peso exchange of this experience.

  2. So how much did these licenses actually cost? No test - really? UNBELIEVABLE!
