Wednesday, May 18, 2011

And the Race is On!

I (Sister B) am by nature, a competitive person. 
There's not a whole lot out here in the mission field to compete in though, so we've made our own little category.  We want to see if we can hold the record for the number of accidents by a missionary couple in a two year period.  Not only that, but I'd also like to see if I can have more and/or bigger accidents than Elder B.  So far, he's
hit a pole,
a family on a motorcycle
and had the mirror torn off by a crazy in a truck passing by. 

I entered the fray today.
(and I might add that it was my first attempt at driving in the Philippines)
I was nearly at the end of my adventure, and I was congratulating myself on how well I had done, when I was rear-ended ...
by a BUS
So I figure I'm ahead. 

Between the two of us, I can't imagine any other missionaries coming close.  And we've only been here 3 months!!  Imagine what we can accomplish in the coming months. 

Yes, I'm fine. 
No, the car isn't. 
Our reputation is shot. 
And for the young officer who was assigned to ride with me to the Pulis Headquarters to fill out the necessary paperwork - he was privileged to participate in a discussion on Agency, Prophets, the importance of Family, the Apostasy and the Restoration,  and the fact that I think Mitt Romney would make a good President. 
Yes, I know, we aren't supposed to talk politics. 
Not supposed to crash Church property either. 


  1. I'm sorry, but this post totally made me laugh!! Sorry you got in such an accident, but pretty funny how you're handling it.

  2. K, I couldn't stop laughing either. You two crazies are gunna leave behind a great legend of 'American Drivers'...maybe you should create one of those signs that says "'this many' days since last accident." See how high you can get that number...

  3. So you are one for one...I can not imagine what the poor elder who is in charge of the cars is thinking about you two. That is more accidents than any missionaries we have served with - senior and young - have had in two years let alone 3 months. Maybe you should see if they will give you a tank or armored car to drive.

    But we are glad that you did not forget why you are serving a mission as you had a captive audience for your missionary lessons. There must be a better way...maybe you could try tracting in your apartment complex?

  4. I agree with Kristin, you need one of those things on your blog that counts the days since your last accident:)
