Sunday, February 27, 2011

Sister Missionaries Rock

Sister Rebecca Blanchette
is a Single Sister Missionary that we met when we were receiving
PEF (Perpetual Education Fund) training in Salt Lake City.
We were so impressed with her and asked her to write
how she feels about her mission.
She and her companion are serving as ERC
Employment Resource Center missionaries in Argentina.
Here's what she had to say:
"I may be wrong, but I don't feel like I'm serving a mission.
I am working, and working hard, but I'm doing it because I want
the adventure, the growth, experience and the spiritual nourishment
which will all come to me through the mission experience.
I want to work in the Lord's vineyard.
I may be an unprofitable servant, but I can contribute.
I know that when I give, I will receive.
I want all of the blessings that can come to me as a single sister missionary.
I will be serving (playing) in Buenos Aries, Argentina in an Employment Center.
I'm grateful that I let the Lord choose my assignment. I would not have
even known enough to select or request my assignment.
The Lord knows best for me.
I will follow ... as fast as I can.
If I let my obstacles change my plans, I become my own worst obstacle."
Rebecca Blanchette

1 comment:

  1. Great post. We got to know this sister because she was learning Spanish and we helped find volunteers to help her. She often spent much of the day at the MTC studying and always seemed to be smiling.
