Sunday, January 30, 2011


... of being Senior Missionaries at the Provo MTC:
Preferred seating at the devotionals.
Young Sisters and Elders hold doors for you
And welcome you to the MTC
And let you cut in front of them in the food line
(although no one has been brave enough to come between a hungry elder and his dinner)
And they take your food tray when you're done.
Everyone here keeps reminding us to
Pace ourselves
And to stay hydrated
And to take it easy.


  1. They treat you like royalty because you are! You made one of the best decisions you've ever made!next to getting sealed in the temple and bringing those precious kids to your family. We're so excited to follow along on your new venture and mission. Love Mary Jean and Dale

  2. You make me laugh so much! Pace yourself, keep hydrated, take it easy... do they know to whom they are speaking?
